This is one of the exhibits in a very unusual art project in Moorhead, MN (across the river from Fargo, ND). It's the "A Woman's Perspective on Compassion," and involves exhibits of shoes. All kinds of shoes, symbolically representing a perspective on compassion. This exhibit is by Karen Hartke and is called "Bird Song". (see the nest among the shoe?) This is what Karen writes, "'A bird does not sing because it has an answer, a bird sings because it has a song.' Chinese proverb. In contemplating 'compassion' as a theme for an art piece, I turned to the little bird and the Golden Rule. Considering all the pain, suffering, and inequality in the world is overwhelming to me; the little song of a little bird without an answer but with a song is comprehensible to me. I can practice love and kindness; I can act with understanding and compassion; I can widen my circle to embrace all of human nature. I can sing that song."
Isn't this beautiful?
Shot in RAW with my 18-135mm lens at 32mm, custom white balance (which was off because it was for another room entirely!); ISO 400; f/4; ss: 1/60, using camera flash. I adjusted the exposure and colors slightly, defogged, added the frames, and that's it. I wish that I could have spent more time composing the photo better to get rid of some of the stuff in the background, but we were rushing to get on the road ahead of a storm . . .
That is very cool! I would have loved to have seen that in person...love this shot too!
Wow.. I do love this. Very eclectic! tfs. toni
neat exhibit!
You capture really unique things.
That is very fun and cool. Thanks for sharing it with us!
That really is beautiful.
I would like to see that exhibit.
I love that quote "a bird does not sing b/c it has the answer, it sings b/c it has a song!" How profound. I'm truly inspired by it. Thanks for sharing, what a wonderful work of art!
This is so interesting. Thank you for sharing this.
very interesting shot. love all the elements to this.
What a great piece. Thank you for including the "journaling". It resonates.
What a beautiful message, tfs.
you win for having the most interesting posts! i love the journaling! great share.
You have an impeccable eye for beauty that can pick out artistry in everything. I really appreciate that about you.
What a neat exhibit. This is a cool shot and I'm so glad you posted what the artist wrote about it!
Very cool! What a fun exhibit!
Very interesting!
Cool! I'm an art dummy, so I couldn't have appreciated it without the artist's explanation, so thank you!
That looks like a real intereting exhibit! Love your photo!
That is so neat! I really love the bird quote as well, tfs.
This is a very unique piece of art and one I may not have truly "seen" without your journaling. Thank you for always sharing. I'm learning a bunch from reading your blog.
I love the idea of a perspective on compassion and why the bird sings....beautiful and inspiring.
Thank you seems so inadequate, but it'll have to do.
That is just beautifully touching. I love your shot and the words behind it....wow!
Interesting photo and I love the message that goes along with it.
Wow...that really is neat. All I think about when I see stuff like that is, "I want to meet that person!" You did a great job capturing it.
that's pretty cool. love the funky little bird on top.
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