Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 25: LayOut A Day

KPertiet Paper Reveal; AAspnes Explore paper & quote; Trish Jones distressed diva; KPertiet Jewelry Tag; Jen Wilson rivet

This is the 2nd page of the 2-page lay out on the White Pass and Yukon Route lay out. Thanks for looking!


  1. I love both your train layouts. Very nice! DH will enjoy them, he likes train photos.

  2. Holy MOLY! That looks a little scary to me...but this is a stunning shot.

  3. Wow, this is a beautiful scenic shot. Never been to Alaska, but would love to visit sometime. I'm sure there are lots of opportunities for getting some gorgeous shots there!

  4. Oh I love the picture of the train...very cool lo


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!