Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 29 L.O.A.D: Empty Nesters Gone Wild!

Asman font; KPertiet Papers, pin & overlay; JSprague grunge frame & 4 square template

My kids would look at this, look at the P.O.T.D. photo below and how we "entertain" ourselves, and say, "lame."


  1. OMG, I LOVE this!!! What a creative way to show what you and your hubby are up to. You are so funny and creative!

    thanks for sharing-made me giggle

  2. Totally love the pic of you and the hubs!! Completely adorable :) Your LO looks fantastic!

  3. LOL, that reminds me of myself. If I'm on the sofa, I have the laptop working.

  4. Oh too funny...this is me and my husband only we are in different rooms with our lappys :)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!