Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 31 POTD: Rocks

WAAAAAY too cold to go outside today, so just a rock from my desk, horizontal and vertical. I want a macro lens!!!!! Shot in manual, 18-135 mm lens at 105 mm, custom wb; exp: 1/500; f/5.6.

Thanks for looking. And yesterday, by far, people said they would choose to shoot the feathers with a macro lens.


  1. that is cool! i want a macro lens too!!! next on my list....:)

  2. That is such a neat-looking rock! I love it. I like the horizontal best. And I'm with you. I really want a macro lens, too!

  3. What a cool rock. I love your colors, very crisp.

  4. VERY cool, what sort of rock is it? Agate?

  5. Holy moly that is so awesome! What kind of rock is it. It almost looks like a tree trunk and roots from the bottom.

  6. Very cool! I like the first one best! Nice color as well.

  7. Very cool! Do you have a macro mode on your camera? Not as good as a macro lens but it's fun to use.

  8. I really like the first one! Super cool!

  9. Oh, SERIOUSLY cool rock! It just screams to be macroed!! Love the pattern and design in it, and the colors are wonderful. Lucky you to have that on your desk!

  10. That is one cool rock. Love the colors you got. I LOVE my macro lens. I say get it get it get it get it get it.

  11. what an interesting rock! love the colors.

  12. whoa... cool rock! great shots!

  13. That is a very cool looking rock, love it.

  14. That's the coolest rock I've ever seen!

  15. That is a cool looking rock!

  16. WOW, what a cool rock! Is it a geode?

  17. That's a really cool shot. You're right, a macro would be great for this.

  18. Wow cool looking rock it has nice color. Thank you for your comments on yesterdays post you really made my day. As to where we have lived do you have all day to read this? NM,AZ,Co,CA,FL,TX,NC PA,VA,LA,Korea,Mexico,Thailand(all the family) and were suppose to be in Spain right now but when DS had an accident we let that job go,couldnt be to far away yet.DH alone,NV,OR,LV,MS,Ill,Tenn,NY,SC, Spain,UT,HI, and many more. We have visited many many more I don't waste time we do alot of sightseeing and we homeschool. Thanks for asking hope I did not bore you.

  19. I never got to comment on your feather picture, which is just cool by the way.

    I opened this one and was immediately struck by the beauty of this rock. Seems weird to say that, but it's true!

    Still don't know "nuthin" about all the photo talk, but I do know that you take some awesome pictures!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. This is really cool and abstract looking!

  21. very cool! With a macro lens, that would be awesome to shoot!

  22. that is the coolest rock I've seen! I love the first one

  23. very cool, i really like these!

  24. thats a very cool rock, love the details!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!