Tuesday, January 15, 2008

OScraps Paint the Moon freebie!

Jofia Devoe paper and ephemerals; AManning Come Paint the Moon kit; frayed muslin One Haute Momma-Jen Wilson; font-Lucinda handwriting, dwd-Rhonda grungy corners
There's a wonderful new challenge over at Oscraps.com. This week, Ann Manning has a beautiful free kit, Paint the Moon, available, with a layout challenge. I used it for the layout above, and will probably also use it later this week for the LayOut a Day challenge. Lisa at Lexicam has a totally awesome layout using this kit on her blog; mine doesn't hold a candle to the artistic beauty and creativity in hers! On the right side of her blog is a link to her gallery. Prepare to be awestruck!

I'm very excited that I got to sign up for the Jessica Sprague "Now We're Rockin'" digiscrapping class that starts Feb 11th! Hopefully, it'll inspire me to consider some new directions in my layouts!

And another thing I want to point out today is my all-new Weather Pixie. Dawn pointed me in the direction of the little, fashionably dressed, pixies! Now all my Dear Readers can be green with envy of the Grand Forks weather! Today we're boasting a balmy - 32 degree windchill! Now THAT's something to sneeze about!


  1. That is a COOL layout. Well done!

  2. I left luv on your lo on JS gallery. I love this pic. Now I have a question re the disney igoogle thing. I saw it and love it, but how do I get it to my blog? you can leave me a message on JS mb or on my blog. thanks for your help!!

  3. Thank-you so much for the recognition and I am thrilled you like my layout

  4. I LOVE this LO! What a beautiful picture! Have fun with NWR. You are going to love it!!!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!