Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 59 POTD 1950s Lamp

This is a 1950s Space Age lamp in our bedroom. (Between the town, and some of our stuff, it's beginning to look like we live in Pleasantville! This was tough; the light was low, natural light from two windows on either side in this corner, and this is one of the first photos I've ever taken in RAW. I used custom white balance, 35mm 2.0 lens, manual mode and manual focus. Settings were f/5.6, ss: 4", ISO 400.

Then in Adobe Raw converter, I just played with some of the sliders trying to get colors and lighting better. The main thing I did was increase the exposure (although if the camera said it was metered correctly for exposure, why does it need a great deal of adjustment??) The walls are actually a pale green, although with the sun just beginning to set, it probably does seem to have more of a blue cast.

Any suggestions? Shooting in RAW was much more difficult than I expected. . . or at least working with the converter was difficult. The photo was quite dark, given the low light, so maybe I was just expecting too much from RAW, in terms of what it can salvage.

Thanks for looking and any CC!


  1. I think this shot looks great. I love the shadow on the wall behind it. I don't really have any suggestions about RAW for you, other than to just keep playing! That's what I do!

  2. What an awesome lamp!!! Those colors are awesome!!

  3. great shot, and interesting lamp!

  4. That is the coolest lamp ever and keep working with RAW. You'll get it.

  5. i think it looks good too. as for having to increase the exposure i found that my monitor was quite a bit darker than my camera screen. take a picture, load it, then put it back in the camera and compare. might make a world of difference.

  6. i usually have to overexpose my images by 1/3 to 2/3 of a stop to obtain the correct exposure. (i shoot with canon and they are notorious for underexposure) also, don't trust your lcd on your camera. learn to use your histogram. you won't regret it and you'll get the exposure bang-on everytime. :)

    as for wb, i leave my camera on auto wb. unless you do custom wb, it's hit and miss. but it is easily adjusted in acr, that's where i correct it if i have to.

    i think your image looks awesome! cool lamp! :)

  7. Cool lamp! I have not delved into raw yet... Good luck to ya! :-)

  8. No CC from me...don't even know what RAW means, but I just had to chime in and say that is one cool lamp!

    Ummm also have to admit to laughing out loud when I read your comment about Pleasantville. I was thinking you are definitely eclectic in your tastes!

    Nonetheless, these all make you who you are and what that is is wonderful!

  9. Are you married to Jimmy Neutron? Sorry I can't help with Raw, I've never shot in it.

  10. How fun! Neat lamp its very interesting.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!