Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 60 POTD--A Rabbit

I used my 35 mm 2.0 lens for this, shot in manual, custom white balance, RAW, ISO 1600; f/2.0; ss: 1/80. After adjusting all the stuff in the RAW converter, I then ran EZ Action Pro Color Pop.

With this shot, the adjustments I needed to make were minimal compared to the lamp yesterday. . . mostly it needed the exposure increased.

Thanks for all the comments yesterday. One of them, about RAW, escapes me, and I'm going to go and google Jimmy Neutron, and then, most likely, feel really dumb! (but in a truly unoffended sort of way, I'm sure, because that's just who I am!)


  1. cute rabbit. I have yet to try raw but plan to soon.

  2. Very cool Angela! I really love looking at still life. Its so neat seeing what people have around in their home because its like I get to be there with them, and are part of their lives.

  3. Neat rabbit, is it made of wood? I haven't tried RAW yet, but need to.

  4. Cute bunny! My grandma collects bunny figures. :) I love that bunch of dried flowers under glass beside him too, so pretty!

  5. Creative composition. I really like it. I need to work more on still life.

  6. That is the color and crispness this photo has!

  7. What a cute little bunny! My DD would love it, she is infatuated with rabbits.
    I missed your posts from the last couple of days but I have to say I so want to come to Grand Forks now just to see this Sloppy Joe/Keg joint. :)

  8. LOL. I actually referred to Jimmy Neutron knowing your kids were too old for you to have had to watch that show and knowing you were just the kind of person to go look it up. I'm so evil!

    Love the bunny--it's not your typical Easter Bunny decoration. Looking good with the raw, Angela!

  9. Nice focus on the cute rabbit. Ahh I am going to attempt to shot in raw one day soon.

  10. love that rabbit! he looks so vintage. very nice lighting and coloring.

  11. It's that time of year already! looks great!

  12. Your white balance looks good to me. It's a cute little rabbit too!

  13. Your posts are so fun, Angela! Sounds like you are really trying a lot of different things with your camera and photoshop. I'm so impressed with your creativity with daily shots! Can't wait for you to share some tips with me. We have gymnastics the next two weekends, but I should be around on Sunday the 9th. Maybe a Starbuck's date would work?

  14. Neat bunny! I wish I could dive into the world of RAW but I just haven't done it yet.

  15. You know what I like with this photo, is the play of the two bunnies. The main subject vs. the bunny in the bgrnd. You did a good job not overlapping the main bunny with the bgrnd too!


  16. Cute pic!! I like the pping. Yeah I totally dont understand RAW. good luck!!

  17. Nice shot, I think it looks great. One thing I would change, leave the extra room on the left instead of the right. The movement of the picture is going to the left, so it is better to have room there, rather than behind.


  18. Cute rabbit and looks like you got CWB down. great job.

  19. Great crispness...I need to learn raw too...

  20. cute bunny! you did a great job!

  21. I love that you post your settings, I'm trying to learn and really appreciate that! Just thought I'd let you know lol.. Cute rabbit!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!