Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day 69 POTD Daylight SavingsTime; Sequins

Just a reminder, tonight we set our clocks ahead for daylight savings time. I like this old clock.

These two photos demonstrate the difference between f/36 (bottom) 25" and f/22 (top) 13". Both ISO 400, with my 105 mm macro lens.



  1. That clock is really pretty, I love the tones of it. Nice aperature demonstration too.

  2. Great reminder! Thanks! Very interesting shots.

  3. Love that clock!! And thanks for the demo on aperture (I am still learning!!)

  4. What a fun way to remind us about the time change. That clock is so interesting. Love it.

    To my unphotographic eye, it looks like the second photo is sharper than the first one of the sequins. Is that correct? Cool photos nonetheless!

    You always come up with the most fascinating photo subjects. Love it!

  5. Very cool! Enjoy that new lens. You'll be amazed at all the things you'll think of to photograph.

  6. What a great clock! Such a vintage look. Nice demo on the aps with the sequins.

  7. Nice photos I can definitely see the difference. So daylight started did it? Seems early. I am in AZ and we never go on it so I get pretty confused. Am at my son's house caring the for kids while they go away for their anniversary.

  8. Thanks for the reminder. I really should have gone through the blogs last night because boy oh boy, did morning come early today. ;)

  9. love your aperature demo. the bottom one is so much more vibrant and clear. love the color too.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!