Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 91 POTD Spring?

There's snow on the ground, the temperature, with windchill, is ranging between between 16 and 32 degrees, and this is about as much into Spring(s) as it's getting around here just now.

Spring. Compliments of the local hardware store. TFL!


  1. LOL...gotta love your sense of humor when it's dang cold outside!

    I even shared with my hubby and he chuckled.

    Good job and I sure hope it warms up soon for you.

    Oh, we had snow on the ground when we woke up this morning, but it warmed up enough to melt it, thank goodness. :o)

  2. LOL! You are so funny! What a great idea. I couldn't think or find anything spring-like around here today. It's gotta get better soon, right?

  3. ROFL! That's a great way to deal with less-than-spring-like weather!

  4. HA! That is hilarious! I know how you feel.

  5. LOL love your take on the theme. I hope you get some warm weather soon...

  6. You are hysterical! Never would have thought of that. but it's definately spring here so that makes a difference.

  7. ROFLMAO! This is hilarious!!!

  8. HA! Those of us in the snowy north have to get creative to find spring, don't we?

  9. Hi just thought i'd stop by and see what new pics you had taken. Thought the "springs" were pretty funny. Hope it gets there to you soon.

    See you tomorrow at the spraground.

  10. LOVE this! It's the first thing I thought of when I read the glad you found Spring in your neck of the woods, Angela! LOL!!!!

  11. LOL! Love your shots and your sense of humor!!! :)

  12. Oh, THIS is clever! Love it! I can remember last year when I "tried" to be clever like this, it didn't work too well. looks like you've got it though.

  13. That is awesome. That's the kind of spring we have here too. Woke up to the ground covered in snow.

  14. Hahaha...perfect. I love your take on this theme. What a riot.

  15. LOL. Great take on spring. That's about the only kind of spring I am going to see around here too. And FWIW, these are very nice spring shots. Very clear --- I really like the lines and composition.

  16. It took me a minute, but that I had to laugh right out loud at how slow I am. Too funny!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!