Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 108: What is this? And digiscrapping!

I tell you, my fellow POTD'ers, you're just smart! Yesterday's "what is it" was sesame seeds! Now today, I've included the "answer" at the bottom of this post, so don't scroll down yet if you want to try and guess. I'll put a "digiscrapping" layout between this, and the answer. In part, it's not a far "what is it," because this is only a portion of it.

Now, this is a digiscrapping layout from week 3 of "Digi in Deep" at In this layout, we learned these things:
  • Install a Photoshop .pat file
  • Create a custom background from pattern adjustment layers
  • Use Photoshop to “fake” a shallow depth of field on a photo
  • Create a multi-photo effect using masks and a .png frame
  • Experiment using text as texture
  • Create a lacy edge on a scalloped circle
  • Use the Rounded Rectangle tool to create a journaling block
  • Use the Burn tool with grunge brushes
  • Create semi-transparent ghost shapes

Ok, now this is the photo that makes it obvious what the first photo in this blog actually is. The first photo shows just the awning over the perch of this birdhouse. My sister sent me this birdhouse a year or so ago, and I have it in my yard in what of my little gardens. So far, no birds yet this spring, have taken up residence.

Sometimes birds don't like our yard much. These huge, nasty, black birds, or crows, take up residence and terrorize all the other birds. AND my dog. AND my daughter! Occasionally I declare war on them, sit in my yard with a garden house and squirt them as they dive bomb poor old Bonnie (dog, not daughter). Mostly, the birds win and I go inside thinking Dark Alfred Hitchcock thoughts about them.
(note: this does NOT mean that if they were dive-bombing my daughter, I would not protect her. She's just smart enough to go inside and not wage futile wars against birds.)


  1. Oh! Wouldn't've guessed. Love this birdhouse!!!

  2. I would have never guessed! Really cool birdhouse and i love the digipage!

  3. I had no clue what that was! What a cute birdhouse! And your layout is FABULOUS, wow!

  4. what a gorgeous birdhouse!!! lmao on your journaling....great job on the digi scrap!!!

  5. I knew the pinecone thingys on it, but wouldn't have got the birdhouse. Cool page, too.

  6. Nope, definitely would not have guessed this one, great job.

  7. This really shows off the detail of that birdhouse. It's so pretty! Thanks for the lesson on digiscrapping. I still need to check out your link. Looks so cool!

  8. Love the close up shots. I never would have thought of a birdhouse, though!

    The digi page is FABULOUS!! What a ride, huh? So much digi goodness to absorb. You're a sponge!


  9. I was thinking rustic basket, so I was off. That is a very cool birdhouse. Hope the birdies move in soon, but you know the real estate market is so sluggish right now. ;-)
    I love all your digiscrapping. I've never even heard of a PAT file.

  10. Wouldn't have guessed a bird house. AWESOME digi LO!! That is way cool! Great job :)

  11. i was going to say grape vine but i didn't know it was on a bird house. awesome picture.

  12. Yup didn't get that one either. That is a cool birdhouse!

  13. Never would have guessed that! Love the layout too, neat elements on the page!

  14. What a cool birdhouse! I love these!

  15. i didn't have a clue...should have with all the birdhouses in my your pics and you did a great job on your layout!!! is this class fun (and intense) or what??

  16. What a fun blog you have! It's nice to visit someone new today.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!