Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 99: Natural Light and our Drive Home

This is a photo of our drive home last night. It was 65 degrees in Missouri, visiting our son. This is what we saw during the last 3 1/2 hours, once we crossed the South Dakota border, and headed north to North Dakota. So, I'm on theme. . . with a photo in natural light. . . on a spring day in April.

Anyone got any photos of flowers in their yard today?


  1. I need to tell you I would die with all that snow. Okay I would go crazy might descrbe it better. I need sun and pretty flowers and hot days. I would even take back the 118 degree days in PHX as oppose to how cold you have it.

  2. Lovely Spring day. Coming soon, somewhere, anyway. You can use this one to show your grandkids someday about this terrible winter of 2008.

  3. Whoa, so this is spring in N. Dakota huh? WOW, that is crazy!

  4. Wow - what a change in just a few short hours! Can't say I envy your weather. No flowers here, but thankfully no snow storm either!

  5. BRRRRRRRRRR! That makes me so cold! We had a storm like that last Monday, here, but today I was in Salt Lake taking pictures with flowers blooming all around! That is a cool shot, though. Well, I guess a cold shot!:)

  6. Poor YOU! Nope, no flowers here. We got a mixture of snow, snow and some sun today. Tonight will be below freezing, so I think they'd be smart to keep hiding for awhile!

    Glad you made it home in one piece!

    Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. :o)

  7. Wow, great shot, but sure looks cold! We had beautiful blue skies today, but it was soooooo freezing! Looks were truly deceiving here. I have flower shots today!

  8. Just another day in paradise, eh Angela? :)

  9. oh man, i'm really sorry you had to see that! :) hopefully spring will find you soon.

  10. You just have to love those April snow squalls, huh? We have been getting them here a lot too. What a great shot!

  11. Hey that is the same "Spring" view we got in MN yesterday as well. You have to love "Spring" lol.

  12. My flowers are still from the grocery store, but I can see my daffodils sprouting up amongst the snow finally. Spring will spring eventually!

  13. Yuck... more snow?!!!! Lovely weather for driving...

  14. Good Grief! Come on down here... low 80s and the sun is shinning!

  15. oh my gosh i would be crying if i saw snow right now seriously, i mean i live in chicago, it's possible, but i HOPE AND PRAY NOT!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
    great shot anyway!

  16. BRR... looks a little chilly! Im up with some springy pics!

  17. I'm so thankful that snow didn't fall here in GF!!! Great job of light and shooting everyday life! Hope you had a terrific time in MO!

  18. Ugh, what a sad spring day lol. This picture brings up bad memories of a few short weeks ago. Hope it leaves you soon.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!