Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day 123 Water. . . . Closet?

So here I am, taking pictures of myself in a bathroom at the Museum of Art at UND. Is there no end to my narcism?
This is probably the coolest bathroom in town.

This is the "structure" through which my husband and I took photos of ourselves. We were looking through that little window above "salvation" and out the other side of the "building".


  1. Man, what a cool museum! I'd be taking photos in the bathroom, too! What a neat place!

  2. WOW, that really IS a cool bathroom! And what a cute little building, I would never have thunk it from the pics yesterday! That is so creative!

  3. That really is a cool bathroom..

  4. Yea, that is a pretty cool bathroom! You can get an interesting shot anywhere! :-)

  5. What a cool bathroom, I've never seen neon lights in one before! I see you too! :)

  6. WHoa...trippy! That bathroom ROCKS!

  7. That is one interesting bathroom! I'd be right in there with my camera too.

  8. I would have done the same thing!!! Cool shots!

  9. Not narcissistic at all--looks like with all those mirrors you'd have to take a photo of yourself to get a photo of that cool bathroom! I wonder what your makeup would look like if you applied it under those lights? :-D
    You know, your question about what was I like as a fifth grader has me stumped. I'm going to have to think about that. I can't ask my parents because they don't remember anything. :-)

  10. That totally cracks me up...I am thinking that my make up would not look good with all of those neon lights. That is pretty cool though. Haha.

  11. Very cool. How big is the structure you were looking through - it looks really big!

  12. That is a super cool museum! I want to go, I love that bathroom.

  13. I have taken photos in the bathroom of the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas! I am so glad I am not the only one! Great photos! i love that museum!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!