Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 132 More tulips

I know, I know, you've all probably seen tons of flowers and tulips already, but us poor North Dakotans. . . these are our first glimpses of blooming flowers. Today, these buds began to open, even though they were covered in snow today! But they did it anyway!

Fortunately, by noon the snow had melted. I'm hoping we won't see anymore tomorrow.


  1. These tulips are so pretty! I love the bright yellow and the different compositions!

  2. Amazing! Not that you got snow...because I, too, saw some suspicious looking white stuff flutter down today (not as much as you did, I'm sure), but these photos are amazing. That second one is breathtaking!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. I never tire of flowers! Here in Oklahoma they are pretty much done now!

  4. :) Yes, you poor ND's. I used to live in ND as a little girl, and can remember how late spring is! I like your colors in these a lot.

  5. Angela, check out my blog again, I did a special crop just for you!

  6. It's so nice to see some nice sunny yellows coming from your direction!

  7. So pretty, love that first one. Tulips are the best, and yellow at that!

  8. wow, it was the hottest day of the year so far here. Like 96 when I looked at my car temp. Really pretty, the drops looks great!

  9. I'm right there with you. We just started getting some flowers here too, be watching my post for tomorrow;) Our winter I'm sure is not quite done yet though, we usually get one doozy of a storm.

  10. Really lovely. The yellow is so vibrant and beautiful Angela.

  11. I love your DOF and composition in the first one! That color is soooo vibrant!!

  12. great shots..they are gorgeous..i love the rain drops on them too. very pretty.

  13. Can never get enough of tulips. Thanks for the beautiful photos.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!