Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 135 Sweet Anticipation

Part of the pleasure of a trip is the sweet anticipation, and the preparations for it. . .


  1. Really? Because I HATE the preparation part. That must be why I don't travel that often. :-) Cool photo--it would be a great for the first page of a vacation scrapbook. I also love the color of your primroses down below. (I'm behind on my comments.)

  2. I'm soooo jealous. I like the planning too and then it goes all too quickly.

  3. Looks like you are ready. I hate preparing for the trip and I hate unpacking after the trip. We basically live out of our suburban.

  4. Think planning is the funnest part of the trip. Unpacking is the pits.

  5. Oh I do think that packing gets me all excited! I love that you are documenting this part of the trip too.

  6. I so agree! I think it is part of the fun of going away!! Unpacking is another story! ;)

  7. What a neat shot... love this!! I agree, the packing is so fun.. but I despise the unpacking and putting it all back away when you return!

  8. I see evidence that you are going to someplace sunny and warm and after your L O N G snowy winter you certainly deserve it!

    How fun that you are documenting the anticipation. :o)

  9. I wish I were anticipating a trip like that! Looks like you are going someplace WARM! :)

  10. i hate the preparation too. but i do love the vacation part. have fun.

  11. I'm so envious, I'd love to have a vacation right now! I see you're going somewhere warm, have so much fun! I also like getting ready and going on the trip, it's the unpacking and laundry I can't stand!

  12. Ohhhhh...can I hide in your suitcase???

  13. looks like a fun trip. I always with someone else would pack and un-pack for me. Then I could just plan and dream and relax!

  14. Love this. It is so cool to see all the things that are going to make up your relaxing time. I really pictured you with the hat on lounging and just listening to some tunes.

  15. I am so jealous! Wish I could hideaway in your suitcase!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!