Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 175: Summer Hostas

Hostas are one of the plants that I strongly associate with summer. They grow well in shade, and come in such a range of varieties! The only problem with them are icky, slimey slugs. Slugs gross me out.

You can supposedly put a little dish of beer under the hostas and the slugs drink it, get drunk, fall in and drown.
Just what I want! Pools of dead floating slugs in my garden, smelling like beer! This is one time when I go straight for the chemicals, as soon as I see the leaves of my hostas looking all chewed up by slugs. BTW I really don't plan on posting a photo of a slug.


  1. I miss the hostas. They don't grow down here.

    And we don't get slugs but I had a friend in Seattle who loved to pour salt on them.

  2. I've never attempted a hostas plant. I wouldn't like to have slugs around either, so don't know that I would try them. I don't grow petunias because I cannot keep the bugs from eating them, no matter what I try.

    These plants look really nice and almost make me want to try...but then I think of a slug, shudder, and decide I'll admire the photos.

  3. LOL about the drunk slugs! I love hostas as well, I have many on my garden. When I finally get tired of holes in them I use "deadline" around them to ward off those slugs. Unfortunately, by the time I finally do it it's typically too late and they look crummy for the rest of the summer :(

  4. Angela, I have lots and lots of hostas, and I go straight for the Deadline or Corry's. I don't want ded, drunk slugs to fish for, either. If you plant hostas that have the blue-green leaves, slugs leave them alone. I have several varieties and they are never touched or slimed. Hostas are one of my favorites.

  5. I have some hostas, and I have never noticed slugs on them.. Thank god. Worms of any kind give me the heebs.

  6. I think hosta are one of my favorite plants. So hardy..can put them in the shade and they really have SO much detail in their leaves. I love their late summer blooms too!

  7. Didn't know they liked beer!! ;) Love hostas - got a few in front of my house - perfect plants for somebody who doesn't have a green thumb... like me!! ;)

  8. LOL! drunk, drowned slugs! may have to try that. your hostas are beautiful.

  9. Nice hostas. Mine are full of snail nibbles. Who knew that I could get them drunk if I wanted to?

  10. Oh, these are so pretty. I am amazed with everyone's knowledge of plants here.

  11. The plants and photographs of them are both beautiful! I CAN'T STAND slugs either!!! We had them growing up and I remember more than once going out barefoot and getting them between my toes......YUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. LOL about drunk slugs! I always thought the "beer" killed them bc of it's content not their drunkeness!


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