Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 237: Lines leading to Doug

This is a line of sun flares/circles leading to Doug, as he sits in /at a display at Heritage Village last weekend. I just like the way the sun flare looks like little "thought bubbles" and thought I could stretch it to fit "leading lines."


  1. Thanks for the explanation on my blog, Angela. Ü I felt sort of silly asking after all this time.

    I love all the shots you take. The sun flare/circles are really cool.

    I think I need to get more mobile before I even think about attempting this challenge. LOL

  2. Thanks for the explanation on my blog, Angela. Ü I felt sort of silly asking after all this time.

    I love all the shots you take. The sun flare/circles are really cool.

    I think I need to get more mobile before I even think about attempting this challenge. LOL

  3. Love the effects of the sun on this photo. I just noticed your themes for photos down the side. I hope you don't mind if I use them.

  4. It does lead the eye to Doug - love the sunflare!

  5. Wow...that circle flare totally ROCKS! I love it when he light just falls into place like that.

  6. Looks like he's getting beamed up. :-)

  7. I love your creativity in thinking they look like thought bubbles! hmmm....wonder just what was he thinking? ;) great sunflares!

  8. So cool and neat! Great shot!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!