Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 247: Doug demonstrating shutter speed

Doug decided to help me with a demonstration of shutter speed. These photos were shot at 1/400, demonstrating the immense, hurricane-like power of wind and the stop-action ability of the Nikon D40 at 1/400. As you'll see, Doug, undaunted, put a great deal of manly passion and herculean determination into this task.

Impressive, no?


  1. I didn't quite "get" this until I clicked to make my comment. NOW I think I see the "head" of the flower/weed just above the bush. Is that right?

    Love that he puts full effort into his demonstrations. What a guy! Ü

  2. Very impressed!! What talent!! You are too funny!! :)

  3. Oh yes, VERY IMPRESSIVE Doug! Love those puffed out cheeks! ROFL! ;)

  4. Totally impressive! Cute take on all those precious little children blowing flowers shots.

  5. Hahaha! That's hysterical, in an educational sort of way. Great post!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!