Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 250: Fountains, shutter speed and texture

Two photos of fountains with texture. The first is at a shutter speed of 1/1600th of a second.

And this second is at a shutter speed of 1/13th second.

I just couldn't resist seeing what these would be like with a texture over them.


  1. Cool fountains and affects with shutter speed.

  2. It's amazing how different the water looks at the different shutter speeds! Way cool. And I LOVE the texture on these!

  3. I sense another texture addiction developing among us! Those are cool-looking fountains.
    So I was feeling better today and headed out to our local falls with my tripod to practice shutter speed. When I got there the falls were more like a trickle. :-D

  4. Those are so cool! I love the texture on the last one. It looks almost like glass.

  5. Texture is my favorite. It's an addiction I think ;)
    The first shot is my fav.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!