Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 297: Halloween is creeping upon us, And a Duh! Moment

Already, just in the two days since I took this photo, the trees have shed all their leaves. It rained and was dreary today. . . the winter is insinuating itself into our lives already! Just look at the numbers my little weather pixie is already registering!

And the pumpkins are gone too! Our church pumpkin patch only has 40 pumpkins left to sell. Doug and I won't be working the pumpkin patch that Saturday, because they'll likely all be gone by then.

And here's my "Duh!" moment! I was wondering why my left hand has been hurting. Scott's been asking me to send him my photos from our trip together and I've been trying to do the editing of them, the changing them from RAW files to jpegs. . . and I finally tried to get a count of how many were left to do. A count of just the first day of the trip! I have 203 photos left to edit from the first day alone! So THAT's why my hand hurts! And no wonder I needed to by more 2 GB cards in the middle of our trip!


  1. so funny cause it just got under 80 degrees here today! I love hearing how everyones elses weather is.

  2. LOL love the Duh moment I have had a few of those types myself..

  3. 203! I did that in an hour in the park. ;)

    I hope your hand feels better.

  4. Oh...I haven't even thought about getting our pumpkin yet...

    I suffer from rapid shutter finger syndrome too! ;)

  5. Wow! You took a lot of photos. Hope your hand feels better.
    Love those pumpkin shots!

  6. Yea, my hand gets like that too. Thankfully it's temporary.

    Those are awesome shapes to those pumpkins/gordes.

  7. Great pumpkin shots! I hope your hand gets better! That's a ton of pics to go through!

  8. I love fall and pumpkins just not the cold. Great photos.

  9. Goodness about the pics, you sound like me, woman! Love the pumpkin shot!

  10. Nice pumpkin shots--love the little jack-o-lantern lights in the tree, too. Take it easy on that editing hand!!

  11. That's a lot of pictures!! Love the pumpkin shots!

  12. That's the ONLY thing I don't like since I finally switched to Raw--how quickly those memory cards fill up. I'm glad you captured that last bit of fall before winter takes its hold.

  13. 203?! I feel for ya, that's a lot of pictures :) Loving that pumpkin with the "warts' its got character.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!