Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 329: Starbucks was Closed; This will Do; Life is Good

Wind Chill 24 degrees. Sitting on the cement. Reading the paper, hot cup of coffee. . . Life is Good.


  1. OMGosh that is way too funny.. .but brrrrrrrrrr! I hope his bum survived the cold cement. :P

  2. I'm sorry, but all I can think of is how cold his rear must've been!!! YIKES!

  3. You would even catch me out there at 42! I hope you warmed up his hiney. ;)

  4. How funny! I thought that was a laptop at first!! Hahaha

  5. Great shot and love the leading lines. You must have bribe him with a big coffee to sit out there.

    Starbucks being closed - they are all closed over here for good. A couple of months ago it was announced Starbucks would be closing down (they are not our biggest coffee chain) and within 3 days they were all closed.

  6. WOW...42 would be a heatwave right now here in Maine. I would almost have to put on my shorts. Haha. However, I am still not sure I would be sitting on the ground.

  7. That makes me cold just to look at him!

  8. sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do! lol--definitely looks like a cold read to me!

  9. That must be so uncomfortable and cold!! He must love you very much!! :)

  10. Oh boy, how cold was his tush after this photo shoot? And just HOW did you get him to agree to be your subject this time?

    Great photos but brrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

  11. Lol, that is hilarious. There is no way I can sit on cold cement and when Starbucks is closed it's never a good day ;)

  12. Too funny! At first glance, I thought he was on a skateboard of some sort and you caught him coming toward you. :)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!