Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 335: Moving the Lamp because he Loves Me

Just relaxing after the Turkey dinner.

But wait! Isn't that the dreaded "insertion?" A lamp growing out of my beloved's head?

Sweet husband, moving the lamp. He's probably just glad that this time the photo didn't involve sitting on a cold cement sidewalk, or coaxing the dog to eat.


  1. awwwww...what a guy! And you're right, that has to be one of the easiest assignments he's had!

    I am SO happy for you (& proud OF you) that you have delved into creating a project. It sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing (& for your kind words on what I share). I finished Amy's poncho last night and will post it sometime today.

    You've definitely got a keeper!

  2. Aww, he is DEFINITELY a keeper! That is hilarious that he got up from the table to move the lamp for you, LOL! He is trained well! ;)

    And what a BEAUTIFUL table you had too, I wish mine were HALF that pretty! :)

  3. Too funny! I think they eventually realize it's easier to play along with us than to fight it!

  4. I love how his expression never changed!!! My DH would have been annoyed the second time.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!