Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 344: My Twilighted Son

This is not very Christmasy, but I turned my son into a Twilight Vampire! Thanks, Valerie, for the instructions on twopeasinabucket.com. I modified them slightly because I didn't have the specific actions. And thanks, Jess, for the suggestion to desaturate the lips further to make it look even better.

And thank you, by POTD buddies, who indulge all my rogue tendencies!


  1. Awesome Twilight!! :) Wish I was good with Elements - would love to try it!!

  2. That is great! You did a wonderful job!

  3. Great job! How could he ignore this?!?

  4. This looks great! Those were some awesome instructions, weren't they?
    I've got to find a good photo of DD and try it myself.

  5. Woe very cool. What a handsome boy. Just read your driving in the snow incident no thank you.Glad all was well. I drove from Albuquerque to home late last night in the new snow and I was being really careful and I was a little freaked because I was the only one stupid enough to be on that 3 hour stretch in the storm. But I had to get my christmas shopping done.

  6. Wow, really great job. I bet he loves it

  7. Cool! I really like his eyes in your re-make.

  8. I love Twilight!! Nice job and your son is a very handsome (in both shots)!

  9. This gave me the willies. I haven't read Twilight and don't intend to, as I cannot get past the whole vampire thing...I guess giving me the willies makes this a great transformation?? (PS...I prefer your son in the before pic to be honest...)

  10. WOW...that is totally CREEPY...but in a good way. His eyes totally pop.

  11. Nice work, Angela! He's good-lloking either way.

  12. I said it before and I'll say it again, this looks FANTASTIC! The "twilighted" version is WAY cool and his eyes are so haunting!

  13. Wow, you did great! I've read the most recent post and I'm giggling at you getting the wrong idea about the vampires! Sounds exactly like something I'd do... :)

  14. You have one great looking son. And what great work you did with this. Looks very cool.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!