Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 352: Man & His Primitive Rituals

Ritualistic untangling and placement of glowing talismans on plastic tree. Circa 2008; origins unknown but speculated to have arisen in ancient cave-dwellers.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ha ha--the only comment I "see" is that one has been deleted. Gotta watch out for the pervs.
    I left the house at light untangling time. :-D
    I love your gingerbread--the white icing is so pretty. I have a white Christmas tree dish just like that one, although I'm guessing yours is much bigger because I could only fit about one average-sized cookie in mine.

  3. Hee hee hee! I wish there was a sound track with this. Love the light trails in the second shot.

  4. Hahahahaha. Yeah....I think we do the same thing every year. By the time we get the tree down, I am just so darn excited to put it all away and have my space back that it never gets put away neatly. These are awesome photos! Its almost like he is dancing around the light.

  5. Cool shots - Love the 2nd one!!!

  6. ROFL, I love this! I wish my hubby would help with the holiday decorations, maybe I would actually get some UP. LOL

  7. Oh so fun! so funny you had to delete some comments. People are so weird.

  8. Oh this post made me giggle! Great shots, and great journaling! :)

  9. Great post! That's why I love having a pre-lit tree!

  10. lol I can see my DH in the same photos. At lights time we know to keep away.

  11. What a funny post! I can just hear the ritualistic music pounding as he does his dance of the lights! Wonderful photos and your sense of humor just shines!

    Thanks for sharing!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!