Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day 363: I'm Still Loving the Christmas Ornaments!

We put our tree up late . . . so I just don't have these photos out of my system yet! This next photo is one of my first attempts in using my external flash.

And here's a lovely mother-daughter photo on Christmas morning!


  1. Loving the ornaments. The mother/daughter photo reminds me of me. I'm always hiding when it comes to photos.

  2. Love ornament shots so keep them coming!! ;) and love your mother and daughter shot - looks like she is enjoying her book!

  3. Another great family photo, Angela! ;-) A city guide for London--is there a trip being planned? And my "lighting" photo was taken after dark. A little judicious positioning on my part put the street light right behind the branch...

  4. I haven't got ornament shots out of my system yet either (I have some more going up tomorrow) so I'm glad to see some more of yours. Great job with the flash! I get so frustrated when my family hides from my camera, but I do the same thing.

  5. I like the DOF with the ornaments, and the mother-daughter shot it too cute!

  6. Love that second shot, I think your kids and my son might be related the way they hide for the camera. Enjoy your new flash!

  7. Your pictures crack me up. I love your family portraits from the post below and all your ornaments are so pretty!

  8. Ok, I seriously laughed for a while when I saw your last shot-it's fantastic! :)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!