Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 6: Too Much Personal Information!!!

I've got cuddle duds! Yep, on a blog, I'm telling you about my Long Underwear!!!! (Told you it was too much personal information!) Apparently, according to my friends, I am the Last and Only person left in North Dakota who did not know about cuddle duds, about these very sleek, warm, long underwear things everyone else here wears under their jeans and slacks, except for me, who has been freezing to death needlessly. See the psychotic weather pixie in the upper right corner? It's just a balmy 6 or 7 degrees below zero now, but this am, it was 26 degrees below zero (before windchill) (and she had nothing covering her face, which is why she is psychotic!) So I'm sure she doesn't know about cuddle duds either. So maybe I wasn't the last (even if she's just animated pixels.)

Here are a few more photos of our trek to Minneapolis and back.

For awhile, we were driving with what seemed like a postage stamp opening through the ice on our windshield. We literally were driving with our defroster on full blast, the wipers going at full speed (and shredding before our very eyes) and one window rolled down because of how hot it was getting in the car.

We finally stopped at a Checker auto parts store, and this wonderful young guy sold us really expensive new Bosch windshield wiper blades, and RainX washer fluid. He even came out to our car and installed them! (with no jacket on or gloves). What a difference! So that we didn't have to end up like this poor soul, and many others we saw like him along the side of the road.

Actually, on the way back, we saw the spires of a church, a ways of the interstate, and detoured to get a closer look. I tromped around in snow to get a nice shot, and then noticed a little cemetary off to the side. The sun was setting just so, and I had to have a few shots of this. I liked both the color and the b&w, and used Jen's B&W creamy action for this.

f/8.0 ~ 1/320
28-75mm @ 32 mm
cloudy wb
ISO 400
HHCC very much wanted and appreciated. . . particularly in the last 2 photos.


  1. My son on his mission in Canada would probably appreciate some Cuddle Duds. Do they have them for guys, too? I LOVE that shot of the church. The black and white is amazing!!!!

  2. Oh how scary that looks! Love the shots and the one ones of the old church are amazing. I LOVE it in black and white!

  3. That last shot - wow!! My fave is the b&w version! And thanks for sharing your story!! :)

  4. that looks like some storm! glad you stopped for new wipers. I really like the color version of the church shot.

  5. Fantastic shot of the chuch, I like it in b&w the best

  6. I love the last photo. Very beautiful.

    Cuddle duds huh? I'm in Ohio and not nearly as cold as you, but those sound really comfy to lounge around in. I will have to check them out.

  7. I've never heard of cuddle duds either. It's definitely cold enough for you to have them though. Great photos I like the color version of the church. TFS.

  8. great shots, I really like the church shots.

  9. Okay I dont live anywhere near SD and by the looks of it never want to (God please dont send us someplace so cold on our next job) sorry had to add that in. Anyway I want to know wth cuddle duds are. I love the lighting and creamy color on the first shot of the church wow

  10. Hurray for you for finding out about Cuddle Duds!! It sounds like you might even need two pair on with temps like that! Whew!!!
    And I just LOVE both the photos of the church and cemetery. They are breathtakingly beautiful and I couldn't pick my fave...they are both lovely in their own right!!

  11. That black and white church shot is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  12. The Cuddle Duds sound so warm and cozy...I could have used those in Tahoe. Have you seen the flannel lined pants from LL Bean? The church shots are beautiful, the b/w is amazing! :)

  13. I really like the church shot in color. I think that it is moodier than the B&W. you can tell that the sun was setting or just coming up. Very nice!

  14. Those snow pictures are UNREAL beautiful. I know it can be dangerous but I still love it.

    I am so excited about your long undies. My mom swears by those things.

  15. You are so funny...I have to go google Cuddle Duds now. I love that b/w shot.

  16. I'm so glad you've discovered cuddle duds... I can't believe how cold it is there!! Love your b&w conversion on the last shot.

  17. I'm so glad you got your cuddle duds! Now you won't freeze anymore! LOL

    LOVE the last two shots of the church/cemetery.. I think I prefer the color version for that little bit of warmth against the white snow. But either way it is definitely a keeper! Gorgeous!

  18. I like the color shot of the church and cemetery. It makes the scene look so bucolic.

    Also, I had never heard of "Cuddle Duds" in my life! Well, there you have it, you learn something new every day - even if you have to wait until the end of the day to gain your bit of wisdom.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!