Sunday, May 10, 2009

Doesn't Everyone Plant a Garden on the Hood of Their Car?

Every night, lately, I bring these flowers in from my yard and put them to "bed" on the hood of my car. Because it's still friggin' cold here at night (and most days)! Last night, it was 29 degrees! You wouldn't want to sleep in my yard either if it was 29 degrees!

You'll be pleased to know that not once yet have I driven off to work with them still on the hood. (Then again, maybe you'd be delighted to see me doing so, and would all line up along the side of the road with your Nikons and Canons!)


  1. My mom had a rule never to plant annuals before memorial day because of unexpected lows. But that was in Michigan. I suspect you might have to wait for 4th of July. ;)

  2. Very funny and clever, too! I never worry about the cold here, it's the heat that kills.

  3. We just planted our annuals and are keeping our fingers crossed that the temperature stays above freezing from here on. It would have been nice to have big, established plantings for David's graduation. We are now just hoping that the flowers don't die on us.

  4. Those are a stunning variety. I haven't planted mine yet either...we are supposed to get another frost up here tonight.

  5. Can't wait to do some planting too! Thought I would wait a bit untill it warms up:)

  6. Great way to save the plants!! ;)

  7. Um, no...I hadn't heard of doing that. But it sure makes the car look purty. Supposedly it's safe to plant around here now...if I could just find the motivation. hee, hee Somehow stamping flower images feels more productive!

  8. I love the colors in these photos. The colors are so vivid!

  9. So many fun things to plant! Want to come plant some in my yard? And I would love to see you drive off with those on the car. ;)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!