Monday, June 15, 2009

A Shot of My Sweetie

Since the theme of the week is "boys," here's one of whom I am quite fond. (I'd rather say . . . "I am fond of," but there's that proposition thing, and I'm afraid of the Proposition Police.


  1. Hate those proposition police (I am most sure that I am on their "repeat violator" list). You are blessed to have a boy (a/k/a husband) that allows you to take his picture - AND post it. Looks like you all had a good time at the art festival.

  2. I THINK it's the Preposition Police; the Proposition Police are probably a spin-off of the Vice Squad. LOL!!! Your sweetie sure looks cute! I'd take a picture of my sweetie, but he needs to get a little more meat on him first!

  3. How nice:) I need to take some more of my DH!

  4. Great shot! I'm sure to be picked up by the Preposition Police someday. And I'm also sure my 8th grade English teacher would cringe terribly, as well! (what an impression she made on me that I can remember her class all these years later...but in a good way, honest!)

  5. My mother would love you and your proper grammar! :)
    Great shot...he looks truly happy!

  6. What a great shot of your man! Mine never lets me take his picture, LOL.

  7. Great shot! How sweet of him to pose so nicely for you!

  8. Leave it to Pat to find the typo. ;)

    Great shot!

  9. What a nice post, I bet your dh loved seeing this! :)

  10. it's actually great to read a sentence phrased correctly. That said, I tend to speak it incorrectly a lot of the time (see, I'm not grammar police) though I am much more careful when writing out my sentences :)

    I've been enjoying browsing around your blog too :~)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!