Sunday, July 12, 2009

The LAUNDRY was outside!!!!!

This is not the most exciting photo in the world, but I needed an Exhibit A. And I used "shape blur" in photo shop to try to blur Doug's underwear to try and reduce the "too much personal information."

But we're replacing our windows in our house--partly because of the vicious cedar waxwing attack of days gone by, and partly because the IRS is allowing this nice energy tax deduction. Anyway, the installer from Lowe's came out to do the detailing, the measuring of our windows before ordering them.

Imagine my horror, after he left, when I realized I had my own underwear on the clothes line in the yard! (Remember, our clothes drier has given up the ghost, but we haven't replaced it yet--the drier, not the ghost.)

Well I certainly couldn't compound MY mortification by posting a photo of MY underwear, as I pondered my error, could I? And Doug is such an agreeable sort. . . .

By the way, if you check out the last comment of my post on July 1st, of another of my confessions in which I shamelessly stole Scott's words, you'll see that I've been busted. He tells me to prepare to meet him in court.

You know what this means, don't you? It means, I'm going to see my son!!!! (I can't wait!)


  1. Oh too funny!! bet the lowes guy has seen much more that rates higher on the embaressing scale...

  2. LMAO. Every time I visit your blog you crack me up. Your dh must be some guy to let you post his white tighties. Yay you get to see your son soon.

  3. BTW the Warm honey action I got it from Jess and yes it was a freebie she offered.

  4. It probably didn't even phase him. Or else he had a good story to tell at the dinner table!

  5. I'm too modest - afraid I would have to use a blow-dryer to dry my personal clothing items before I could face hanging them on a clothes line for the whole world to see. Bless your DH - not only were they hanging on the line to dry - but now truly for the whole world to see. On the good side - you get to see your son!

  6. Well, you've certainly answered the burning Boxers or Briefs question that's been on all our minds!!! ;-)

  7. LOL about the underwear and about your son's message. He sounds like a fun guy :)

  8. You all are a hoot and a half over there in that there Nort Dakota! Love it!

  9. Sorry about your dryer but there is nothing that smells better than clothes dried out on the line! Great shot!

  10. They are all white? Did you bleach the heck out them? Where are the stripes, and polka dots and animal prints? I KNOW Doug has a wild side he is hiding.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!