Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photo Editing LAB & Honey

Two versions of Doug. The first photo is a SOOC shot, converted from RAW to jpeg.

In this version, I selectively increased the exposure on Doug. Then I ran an action I created in which I convert to LAB mode, increase luminosity and color contrast, sharpen & edge mask for high frequency images (images that are generally considered not portraits, even though this does include Doug. It's when there are less smooth transitions and more abrupt and sharper transitions (which skin usually hopefully isn't.) High frequency treatment is good for city scenes, objects, etc, and I wanted to highlight the glass windows more in this shot.

I also then ran Jess's Honey action (thanks, Jess!) to both slightly mute and warm up the image a bit more.


  1. I like the 2nd one! Then again I always seem to go for the warmer look! Great pic!

  2. Love how fun you made the photo in processing!! Love the look of the glass!!

  3. Great tutorial - maybe one day I will get as good as you!! ;)

  4. Your processing really makes the photo stand out - especially the 'punch' it gives to the glass. (no slight to Doug - he shines as always!) Now to go jot down the steps...

  5. I like hearing what steps you took to get that second look. Interesting how much warmer it looks...

  6. Wonderful PPing, it makes the picture really pop

  7. Ooh, I LOVE your edit on this! It really makes that glass sparkle and I love the honey treatment on your "honey"! :)

  8. Those actions really made this image so much more appealing!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!