Sunday, August 2, 2009

Russian Sage & Chocolate Ruffles Heuchera

Chocolate Ruffles Heuchera flowers. MMmmmmm. . . . Doesn't the name alone make you want to eat them? These are out playing in my yard at this very moment, unsupervised.

Early in the summer, I think of the Russian Sage as being weeds and consider pulling them out and tossing them. They grace an area next to our garbage can! And then they suddently stretch out, grow a little larger than the year before and redeem themselves with these fairfly long-lasting blossoms that will probably hang around until the first sign of snow. With absolutely no tender loving care or attention whatsoever. They're kind of the codependent cinderellas of the garden.


  1. Those look great. The chocolate ruffles reminds me of the chocolate mint I had years ago. It really did smell like chocolate mint. I think I need some more.

    Great shots!

  2. I love Russian Sage--all that lovely open airy purpleness, and drought hardiness on top of it. MMmm--your heuchera looks wonderful. The deer have discovered mine...excuse me while I gnash my teeth (and load my gun)

  3. I love how vivid the colors are.

  4. Beautiful shots, I love the lighting! And what a fun name the chocolate ruffles have.

  5. That sounds like a brand of mexican chocolate! Haha. And the sage is so pretty!

  6. Pretty flowers. Maybe you can eat them. They make tea from some flowers and use some for salads so you just never know.

  7. Great shots, the colors are very good!

  8. Wowza...more beautiful photos and your descriptions are fantastic. You are such a great writer! Thanks for sharing.

    Any word yet on the car sale? I keep hearing the program is running out of money and I hope you aren't on the bummer side of that.

  9. So pretty!! Love the colors!!

  10. Ooh, the name makes me want to take a bite and see if they live up to it! LOL! Love the sage too, I have some in my garden (I thought it was a weed too but was too lazy to pull it) and I'm glad I left it alone- it smells lovely!

  11. Your flowers are beautiful. I love the colors.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!