Sunday, September 27, 2009

Money Fixing and Cutting a Check--Scrapfest Style

Quite late last Saturday night, approaching 3 am, my sisters and I started re-arranging and organizing our "stuff" from Scrapfest before our trips home. Look at this haul of Rina's!

We had one partial bottle of wine between the 3 of us that we couldn't exactly pack for the trip. And no sippy cups! So that may have contributed to our packing "efforts." There's a lot of chaos involved in Scrapfest, including figuring out who owes whom what. Not to worry---MaryAnn has a detailed print-out!

And since we were at Scrapfest and had plenty of tools at our disposal, and new-found skills,there was no problem cutting a check!

(Actually, I think Rina should consider challenging Vince-the ShamWow! Creep with her info-mercial skills! She's better than he is at product demonstration!)

Well, then Rina realized we could further put our new skills to use. As I've mentioned, I've been in "de-clutter mode" (except, of course, for the new acquisitions of junk and crap at Crapf. . I mean, Scrapfest). And I'd inadvertently tore up a $5 bill that was in an envelope in Brian's waste paper basket. It was in my pocket.
Rina effected a marvelous repair of the 3 pieces of the $5 bill, sticking the ends together with her new tape-roller, and matting it against a lovely grey background with an adorable checker-board pattern of barbed wire:

If only we'd had some glitter glue with us! But how much can one reasonably pack? Now, I should have no problem bringing this legal tender to the bank and getting a new $5 bill for Brian. Or maybe he should just try to spend it as is.


  1. You always have me LOL. It really looks like you had a great time at Scrapfeast.

  2. Looks like you had a lot of fun and got a lot of great goodies!

  3. Looks like you had so much fun!!! So jealous here! And love the taped $$!!

  4. OK im a little confused, you said "And I'd inadvertently tore up a $5 bill that was in an envelope in Brian's waste paper basket. It was in my pocket."

    Was the $5 bill in your pocket or Brian's waste paper basket? And why did you bring Brian's waste paper basket with you?

  5. You guys are so fun together, I love it! This is why I am glad I didn't make Blaze an only child.

  6. I look forward to seeing the results of all that stuff when it is put together someday.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!