Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Beautiful Ms.Bonnie says there are some Sad things in life

The Beautiful Ms. Bonnie read the book, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. She doesn't have a photo of the book, because she already lent it to someone else, so she's showing a self-portrait with her kleenex. She says she needed it for this book; she cried as she read this book. She said she started out thinking she was going along for a light-hearted read, and then was sucked into the vortex of one of the saddest times in modern history, the German occupation of Guernsey in the Channel Islands, just off the coast of England, during World War II.

Bonnie said she enjoyed the quirkiness of the characters, although some have criticized that the voice of the individual characters are not distinctiveness. They were still fun to get to know! It's just that she found if very sad to get this glimpse of human cruelty and deprivation.

Bonnie's also feeling sad these days because her foot hurts. She's a determined trooper, and can be quite playful even if it does hurt. She turns 15 years old this month, and just had to take a little ride to the vet; the vet said she has a tumor in her paw, and that if the oral steroids and antibiotics don't seem to be making a difference for her next week, surgery or "maybe it's time to talk about other alternatives" are on the horizon. :(

And yesterday, Shannon asked about whether I bounced the flash, or used a diffuser. I did use a diffuser, but don't remember if this particular shot was bounced, or direct flash. Unfortunately, I can't find metadata included in Bridge on the flash settings; this might not be encoded in the shots. Does anyone know?

And Shannon is right! Bouncing a flash (aiming the flash toward a white wall, or ceiling, so that a large area of light is reflected onto your subject) tends to make a much more pleasing shot, with less harsh shadows. I think my shot may have had some shadows that were coming from the sunlight behind it, and bounce may not have prevented all of this, but especially in a dark room, bounce is best!


  1. Thanks for the review, Ms. Bonnie. My book group is going to read that book in a few months. I bought it, but haven't read it yet. Thanks for the heads up about needing the tissue. So sorry to hear about Bonnie's health issues! Hang in there, Bonnie!

  2. Oh my word, I just want to hug you Ms. Bonnie! Aww, I really hope you are feeling better soon. ((HUGS))

  3. I agree with Ms. Bonnie. I found myself being a little teary as I read the book, but enjoyed it. Not knowing about that part of England's history, I found myself having to do some research afterwards; it was really eye-opening. Just finished "The Day the Falls Stood Still" and really enjoyed that one, too. I think Ms. B might enjoy that, also, especially if she has to rest her foot. Take care, sweetie.

  4. I hope Bonnie responds well to the treatment - and thanks for the review; she does have a good nose for books.

  5. Poor Beautiful Ms. Bonnie! She looks so sad in that first photo. She'll need to read something a little lighter next time.

  6. Bonnie is so gorgeous, I really hope it isn't time for other methods :( Love her review!

  7. Oh, poor Bonnie, both the book and her paw. I hope she's on the mend soon, she looks like such a sweet doggie!

  8. What a sweet pup! I'm so sorry to hear about her paw.... I hope that the medication takes care of the tumor.

  9. Thanks for the review.
    sorry to hear ms. Bonnie is not doing good, i hope she does better.

  10. Love Ms. Bonnie and I'm wishing her the best on her foot.

  11. Thanks for the review Ms. Bonnie. You sure like to emote after reading books. I'm sorry to hear about your foot and hope that you can find a treatment that helps ease the pain and discomfort!

  12. I love Bonnie's book reviews!! And I love your staged shots of her as well!! ;) Hope the meds will work and she won't have to go through an operation.

  13. I love your journaling. Ms B is adorable. I hate when they feel bad and I really hate having to be the responsible one to think of "alternatives". Thinking of you Ms B

  14. Such a sweet dog... I hope her paw mends and she is feeling better soon.

  15. Feel better soon, Ms. Bonnie!

    And I'm still trying to get a handle on using the external flash. So much to learn, so little time!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!