Monday, October 5, 2009

Missing Dianna (of course!)

I was treated to a wonderful phone call from Dianna last night! I miss my 21-year-old daughter immensely, and it seems almost surreal that she can be on the other side of the world, in southern India, right now! This photo is from this past April, with the fish, in Grand Forks, and I decided it was time to edit it. . .

Dianna tells me that she's very much enjoying this more rural part of India (compared to the more urban nature of Chennai.) She doesn't have much chance to be on the internet, especially not for composing emails, updating her blog, or uploading photos.

She's healthy again (hooray!!!!!!) and continuing to try to do research on leprosy. She also tells me that there are lots of bugs in her room. She's massively sprayed the bathroom with I-don't-know-what and now each am, she's greeted with piles of dead bugs. She takes a bucket of cold water, washes them down the drain, and then grabs out handfuls of the dead things to keep them from clogging the drain. (You should know that ND, being of its less-than-temporate climate, does not have a huge number of bugs. And even the mosquitos seem to have vacated the premises, given our protections against West Nile virus in recent years.) North Dakotans may be many things, but Bug Warriors, we are not! (But we do have those deranged Cedar Waxwings. . . . .)


  1. Great update. That story about the bugs gives me the creeps. She's so brave to scoop up all those dead bugs every morning...but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, right? I really like that shot of her, too. She must be having quite an adventure!

  2. I am glad you got that call from Dianna and hearing that she is doing well. That is an adorable photo of her!

  3. Glad to hear that Dianna is healthy! I'm shivering at all the bugs she has to deal with. It sounds like she's handling it all much better than I would :).

  4. Glad to hear she is doing well. I hear you on the missing part its hard isnt it when they grow up and leave.

  5. Great photo's! I'm not fond of bugs myself and India is very buggy!

  6. Gorgeous shot and gorgeous girl! You must miss her so much! Glad she is feeling better!

  7. Glad she is feeling better! Sounds like she is really proving her mettle and learning to cope in unexpected ways (shoveling bug cadavers every morning? ugh) I think you should bless the DCW because they probably help with the bugs....

  8. She is beautiful, you must be so proud of her. I am so happy she is doing well.

  9. Glad she is feeling better. That really stinks about all the bugs!!

  10. Does Dianna ever take a bad picture? She looks gorgeous!

    I'm glad to hear that she's finally feeling better.

  11. I think I would be besides myself if either of my children were across the world - especially if I could not hear from them in some fashion each day. Brave Mommy & Brave Daughter kudos to both of you. BTW - Hope she had a wonderful birthday.

  12. Dianna is beautiful! We have plenty of bugs but I am no warrior. I call Orkin. ;)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!