Friday, November 13, 2009

Mom Collapses under weight of Worry-Mode!!!!

1. Brian calls and says he's running a fever, terrible headache, lots of fatigue. Yep--he's got swine flu, alone in an apartment, 300 miles from home. . . I know that if he misses any work or school, he's screwed. He's driving to his apartment; I tell him to stop and buy a thermometer, gatoraide, and ibuprophen.

2. Dianna, (my just-turned-21-year-old) is doing a semester abroad in India. She's on break, traveling with 3 other students. I haven't heard from her for about 2 1/2 weeks. I check the students' group blog and read that on the 2nd of their 3-day Camel Safari across the desert, one of their group falls ill and is put in a hotel by "Mr. Desert", their tour guide. I scrutinize the photos on the blog; there's a photo of three students on camels---and none of them are Dianna! And my cell phone is worthless when it comes to me calling her Somewhere in a Desert in India.

3. When I left work on Thursday, just as I got home, I realize I forgot my cell phone. I return to work to get my "umbilical cord," because my children might call me.

Scott, the oldest offspring (26 and in the Navy) is stationed in Virginia Beach. When I get home, I turn on the TV. Hurricanes are flooding the streets of Virginia Beach. His facebook update mentions "state of emergency" in Virginia.

But I won't leave you in suspense:

1. Brian got better in about 2 days, and maybe it's just some other virus that's doing it's dirty work on him.

2. Dianna called me last night. Yep. . . it was her that got sent to the hotel room, dehydrated, feverish, and other problems that she'd kill me if I mentioned. But is fine, and no, the train rides were not particularly fun. . . . but she's gotten so use to men staring at her that she can actually fall asleep now while they're doing it (and yes, she tells me, in a sexual way!!!!!!!!!!!) She also mentioned that she had been 60 km from Pakistan.

3. I reached Scott by phone this am, and he only lost a hub cap driving through the water in the streets of Virginia Beach.

Who says empty nesters have more fun?????

eta: All double chins, nose hairs, and excess weight are strictly the fault of the photographer, who shall remain name-less to protect his anonymity, but whose initials are DOUGLAS in case any blame needs to be laid at his feet.


  1. Ok Ok, I'll quit moaning and groaning about teenagers now. Love the watermark and that first picture is fuzzy enough I can feel you pain - so I guess, well done Doug. Glad your brood is fine despite their combined turmoils. I don't know how you do it. So sweet of Miss Bonnie to check on you.

  2. OMG, I'm SO SORRY, but I am rolling on the floor laughing after reading your teeny tiny disclaimer at the bottom, and slapping those hilarious watermark looking warnings on your (I mean, Doug's) photos. :) LOL. Thanks for the laugh, and I'm so thankful your kids are all fine and accounted for. :)

  3. I am glad all of the kids are OK. Now we just have to get you well. :)

  4. Oh my! i can feel your pain and worry though you words. and Doug did a great job on showing your emotion with the photos. and i love your comment about "the umbilical cord".
    thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog as well

  5. First of all, I am so glad that all the kids are well, high and dry! I am surprised that your hair did not turn white from the stress and worry, but thrilled to see that the Ever Vigilant Miss Bonnie was there beside you. My son David was Swinish last week but is better now--so frustrating not to be able to take care of the sick kid! Glad D is better!! And Love the disclaimer!!!!

  6. I love the moodily emotive photos ;-)

  7. Oh my! That post is hilarious (esp the fine print) but I am so glad all your chicks are safe. I am scared for mine to grow up!

  8. Oh gosh ! What a week! Love the post, the pictures, the title etc! Hope your girlie gets better! X

  9. Lol! Great post and I'm glad everything out OK. Gave me a nice laugh all the same.

  10. LOL - you are too funny!!! But glad your kids are OK!

  11. Great post and photos - although I am glad everyone is now okay :)

  12. your post is so funny (especially at the end when we learn that everyone is OK !). your life does not seem boring ;-)

  13. You are a fabulous writer, Angela. Wish I had an ounce of your creativity and wit.

    You took a stressful week and blew off the steam of the stress in this wonderful post. That's fabulous.

    I'm so glad your kids are all doing okay after their difficult week. Whew!

  14. Love, love, love your post! I, like many, can identify with your worries!
    Thank you for sharing!

  15. And I was hoping that I wouldn't worry once they were out of the house . . .
    Thanks for posting,

  16. Oh my goodness! I think that parenting "grown" kids is harder than little ones. I wouldn't know for sure because mine are still in the stage where i can't seem to escape for more than a few minutes. But at least I know where they are and that they are ok. I love the pictures, though, and the fact that your doggie is so concerned about you. Glad to hear that everyone is OK.

  17. Oh, my gosh! What stories you have to share! So glad to hear your kids are all fine! Life is an adventure sometimes! This is definitely the most interesting blog I have read today!

  18. Your blog is hilarious...I hope that was your intentions...awkward silence. Um, anyway, I really like reading the adventures of your family and your intelligent dog. I too am an empty nester and feel your pain. Keep up the good work because I'm coming back for more. Thanks!

  19. OMG! Love the photos! Glad everything turned out ok

  20. Great post and I am glad your kids are fine.

  21. Obviously is was your own hysteria since Miss Bonnie wasn't even concerned. ;)

  22. I'm beginning to learn all about empty-nester-worry syndrome (I made this up but I think somebody should coin it and write all sorts of medical sounding explanations, don't you think?). I'm glad you've let us know how things are going for them. I was wondering. Now didn't Scott also write that he had a new love interest on FB a while back? I can't wait until Dianna is back in the states. India is just too out there.

  23. So relieved all is well - and how much do I love your notes and footnote on the photos?!

  24. I'm so sorry so much is going on, but I loove your sense of humor! Best post ever! And hang in there mama!! ((HUGS))

  25. Oh my, I can so relate. I hate when things go wrong with my kids and they're so far away from home. I think these photos deserve a scrapbook page myself. Glad to hear they are all fine, and yes, I'm LOL myself at the end of your post.

  26. I am so glad that you posted on my blog, otherwise I might not have found your delightful "pixelated Oasis"! I just became a foolower ;) I can imagine the mama heart straining through all the unknowns. If you haven't gotten around to googling scuppernongs, head back to to see my latest's a pic of them, how they connect to me and the wikipedia version of facts :)

  27. Wow, that's a lot to handle! Glad to hear everything turned out OK. Take care!

  28. That was funny (now) - you definitely have a talent there. Glad all the kids are fine now and you survived. Love that disclaimer at the bottom.

  29. Glad all your brood are ok and many thanks for the help you gave me in Shimelle's class with embedding a slide show :)

  30. Hi Angela,
    I've returned so I could comment on your comments on my blog :-)
    Thanks so much, I've been practising my composition - it is a hit and miss thing though. I'm interested in which online classes you have taken because I would like some more formal instruction rather than just what my BIL says ... even though he's pretty good. What is shooting in RAW like? BIL sys don't bother but I'm interested to hear from you how you like it. Also, CS4 the one you are using is the good one - I'm three behind you!

  31. OH JEESH!!!! Glad everyone turned out to be okay!!! **hugs**


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!