Monday, November 9, 2009

Odd Desk Companions and a Search for a Favicon

Calling all Blog-Readers! My brain is depleted at the moment, and I'm stuck in trying to come up with a favicon for my blog. A favicon is a little image-doohicky-thingy that sits in the address bar to the left of a web address.

If you're viewing this through Google Chrome, you'll see the usual Blogger favicon, the pregnant-Letter B in an orange bubble. If you're viewing this using IE or Firefox, you're likely to see a blotchy-squished face of me, about the size of a tiny pencil eraser and looking like a smudge next to

Motivated by shimelle's Blogging For Scrapbookers class, and following these directions from blogging tips, I created a favicon. But I don't like an eraser-head-smudge-face for my favicon, and I'm asking all of you for suggestions.

What would make a good, simple, favicon for my blog? A letter "A"? Maybe Bonnie's little face (although I don't want to smudge her either)? Any thoughts on this? (I vote "no" on using the Evil Cedar Waxwings.)

And while you think about this, I thought I'd show you a photo of my phone being a couch potato, and my pen prepared to fight the good fight.


  1. I'm a total dud when it comes to thinking up ideas for your favicon. Maybe MPO? For my pixelated oasis. :) That's as creative as I'm going to get tonight. LOL. Anyway, to answer your question, a beach miner is a person who comes to Nome in the summer and mines the beaches of Nome, in the gold rush days a long time ago. They still do it, but it's not all fortune and's probably more for the love or thrill of it. I still have yet to figure that one out!

  2. playing on oasis - a palmtree? a camel? or how about a block of your favourite colour or a collage made of squares of shades of your favourite colour - which should look pixalated

  3. I think I like the palm tree idea! I wanted to drop by to see what you were up to and thank you for visiting my blog. So, thanks!

  4. Loved the photo! You have some interesting items. That pen is so cool! I'm a little behind on the class...being all distracted by the house clean up and all. LOL

    I tried to get that next button on the tool bar, but kept getting the circle with the line through it, so I give up. I must need more "technical help" to figure it out. LOL

    As for the favicon, I have no ideas. Fat lot of help I am, huh? LOL

  5. Cool that you learned how to do a flavicon (didn't know it was called that either!). I would go with a letter or with a photo of cute Bonnie!

  6. Cute posting! You had me smiling from the get-go.

    Personally, I like seeing your face on your blog favicon, but I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  7. I'm still laughing at the expression on your pen's face...

    Can you get a photo of a single tree in your area and use that as a play on the palm tree/oasis idea?

    By the way, your weather pixie is too chilly this morning!!

  8. Favicons are my new best thing :-) I had such fun with mine!

    I would go with a palm tree (as a couple of people have suggested) but I promise not to be offended if you choose a different idea ;-)

    PS I'll be checking out in a minute when I've hopped a few more blogs - thanks for the tip :-)

  9. I don't know about the favicon, but do like the idea of Bonnie! Your shot is so colorful, too! :)

  10. Dude! Where's your logo? Start there then the favicon can come later. ;)

  11. I learned something new today! I'm going to work on a Favicon as soon as I get everything else done! I like the idea of a palm tree. Or the letter A.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!