Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Looks Like I'm Over-loading Santa's Sleigh Today

On Prancer! On Blixen! On. . . .what the heck are those reindeers' names? Any of them called Bonnie?


  1. Those are outgoing??? And here I though they were being delivered!! If they are outgoing, I am sure that Bonnie is hiding under a bed somewhere....

  2. The recipents are gonna be overjoyed. Looks like lots of work.

  3. Oh boy! All those for me???? Bonnie, you'd better start working out a little! LOL

  4. hehe - I'm just waiting for the antler wearing Bonnie pic.

  5. I'm so jealous of how ahead of the game you are! I'm hoping that this weekend will be it for me and I'll get everything done. (*Ü*)

  6. Fun! I packed and shipped yesterday as well. Thank God for UPS!

  7. Oh my - lots and lots of packages!! Some lucky recipients!!

  8. Looks like a lot of people are going to be so happy to get some fun Christmas packages in the mail. That's one of my favorite parts about Christmas...when a package comes with my name on it! :)

  9. I agree with Maria. You are so far ahead of the game that I am sure Bonnie has been helping you. Just so you know, Bonnie told me she wants to come to Texas for Christmas and she said if she gets here a few days before that she would also help me because she knows I am way behind.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!