Monday, February 22, 2010

And when the snow melts away. . . Oh, Wait! This is Castaway Cay!

At risk of giving you some kind of psychic whiplatch after all that hoar frost, I thought I'd send you back to Castaway Cay, the last day of our Disney Cruise. Do you think the ship could use some repairs?

Remember the little video clip from a few days ago, where everyone was staring intently at the water? Here's a shot of the search for starfish in the water. Notice those clouds moving in, as Mother Nature decided we'd had reached our quota of two hours of sunshine and warmth for the winter. . .

The Mickey-ites waving "goodbye" to us:

And a sunset:


  1. They had not brought in the Flying Dutch ship (believe that is the name) when we were at Castaway Cay - but that was okay, we still had fun...and apparently more sun. Wow, it really was shifting skies for you all. Nothing like a sunset at sea.

  2. Love the shot of the MIckey-ites waving! And that sunset is beautiful! Nice job!

  3. I like that sunset shot. I think it is more dramatic with the clouds, even though they ruined your beach time!

  4. What a fun adventure! The processing on the ship just rocks too. Is it HDR?

    And that sunset...sigh...perfection. It brings peace to my soul to know that such warm looking sun exists. :)

  5. Fantastic! Another lovely adventure documented in such a way that I feel like I've gone with you as a fly on the wall. *Ü*

  6. That ship sure looks like it needs some repairs!! LOL - love the mickey hands!!

  7. This batch is my favorite from all your cruise photos! No one does "love is in the details" like Disney. What a nice touch having those folks waving you good bye wearing Mickey's glove! And that sunset photo is just gorgeous!

  8. That boat looks perfect to me, I love it! Beautiful sunset, just makes me feel warm.

  9. We did three Disney cruises, and they were all wonderful experiences. Castaway Cay is awesome (our last cruise stopped there TWICE!). That ship is new, though. Looks like you had an incredible journey. Thanks for sharing your memories with us!

  10. what fun and I love your sunset shot, beautiful :)

  11. Mickey-ites? Hmm... only one golve each? Influence by Michael Jackson? ;)


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!