Sunday, February 14, 2010

Castaway Cay

Being the astute readers that you are, you will no doubt recognize that these videos are NOT of North Dakota!

On our last day of the cruise, in Castaway Cay, we were treated with several hours of warmth. It wasn't quite warm enough to go snorkeling. . . or even put a swimsuit on, but we actually wore shorts and got our feet in the water.

Serenity Bay is the little beach Disney has for the adults. I saw all these adults standing in their water, staring at their feet. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and had to go see what was going on and it was so cool!

In this first, quite short, video, you'll see me imperiously demand that Doug come into the water with his video camera. I certainly didn't want to take my Nikon into the water. Oh no! But Doug so very nicely obliged and got this footage:

We don't have wild-life like this in North Dakota! I took my life in my hands and touched them!

And this is just a little more of the same, but where I'm rather enthralled by the little critters . . .


  1. How fascinating! I've never seen a live sea star! I'm enjoying your vacation so much! It's keeping me from dwelling on the weather.

  2. Love these little videos. I'm thrilled you take the time to ENJOY the adventure (and then share it with us, who will probably never get to where you go)!

  3. That is so cool!! And how beautiful are these!!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!