Monday, March 22, 2010

River Crest in Fargo, ND

Doug and I took a little trip to Minneapolis this last weekend, to attend a conference, see a hockey game, and see two of our kids. (It was great!)

The route took us past Fargo Friday evening, south on I-29; and on Friday, there was no problem with this drive.

On Sunday, returning to Grand Forks, driving north on I-29, this is what we saw for miles on miles, in the southbound lane of I-29:

I assure you, I was very happy to be going north, in a dry lane, rather than south, on a river-like road. Having driven through flooded roads in the past, I hope to never have to do it again!

Fortunately, the water is now going down in our corner of the world. And hopefully, Fargo will be a few steps closer to getting permanent flood protection as we now have in Grand Forks.


  1. Wow that does not look like fun driving - scary.

  2. I have been watching the weather reports and so glad that the crest was lower than expected this year! Still high, but better than last year!! High and dry IS better!

  3. Yikes I've never seen anything like that! That sure is a lot of water. I'm glad you had the dry road!

  4. that looks scary. Glad you stayed dry!

  5. I'm hoping that the flooding is not as bad this year for you all. That would be kind of scary!

  6. Yikes in deed! I look at that and wonder how much damage is being inflicted to the cars' motors. I would not want that commute - and definitely not after dark. Glad some normalcy is reaching your neighborhood.

  7. Yikes - glad you were in the right lane! That is a lot of water!

  8. Oh my! I'm sure glad YOU didn't have to wade (I mean drive) through that!

  9. Wow, that looks scary to drive in! I'm so glad you are all safe!

  10. It is nice that you could visit with your kids and go to a game. The roads look very scary to drive on.

  11. Why did I think you lived in Grand Forks? Dementia.

    Glad you had a nice, and dry, weekend.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!