Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why, Yes! I DO Measure Progress toward Spring by Wine Corks!!!!

Don't you? Because soon I'll want to soak these wine corks in rubbing alcohol to more easily get a fire started in my fire pit. It's been 34 degrees here for the last several days--34 glorious degrees!--which means the snow has been melting and the hint of an outline of the firepit in my yard is beginning to surface!

I know this isn't the fire pit. It's actually a diffuser spreading the fragrance of lavendar oil in my living room; to add to the il(de)lusion of spring in the air.

And look! The path to my car from my front door is no longer treacherous! The ice is receding and I don't have to waddle-shuffle/stretch my arms out sideways to make it down the steps and to the car!

I'm thinking that any day now I'll get to see the solar candy-cane Christmas lights I foolishly lined along my driveway, two days before Christmas. . . . and never saw again:

10 more days to spring!


  1. Love the optimism. We've had a full week of temps in the 50's and the snow still isn't completely gone. Mostly gone, but still patches...

  2. So nice to see that things are thawing out for you! I'm so excited for spring, too!

  3. Well congrats on your first step toward spring! I love the wine cork idea....never even thought of that! Your humor just cracks me up Angela...I'm so glad your spririts are back up again.

  4. Honestly Angela, I don't know how you do it and keep your sanity. Enduring snow on the ground for months on end takes a special kind of person. Here's hoping the thaw continues! :D

  5. I feel so ashamed for complaining about our winter in comparison to your season. We've hit near 70 and the shorts have been pulled out --- so I am sure we have another snow around the corner.

    Like the wine cork approach. (eliminates the evidence of what you did to pass time through the winter!)

  6. YAY!!! maybe you'll have a heat wave and the snow will all be gone in 10 days...we can hope, right ;)

  7. I can't wait for spring. You've had more snow than us. I don't think I could have survived.

  8. I'm so glad your snow is melting. I hate wobbling in the ice. Just curious . . . don't you park inside your garage in the winter? I told the boys flat out that one of the spots inside the garage was for my car - not negotiable! There are very few times that I pull rank like that, but hey, we are talking about snow here!

    Also, very interesting info about the corks for your fire pit. I did not know that! Very cool! Also very cool is that jar of spaghetti sauce. I've never heard of that brand but it sounds wonderful and I like the logo.

  9. Yah! I'm so not a snow person so I'm really happy for you. I love that you have a clear path to your car. :)

  10. My gosh, you do still have a lot of snow! I'm glad to see it's thawing down for you some, soon you'll even be able to see- gasp- GRASS! :)

  11. Yeah - 10 days to Spring!!! Just hope there is no more snow in March!

  12. Never heard of wine corks & alcohol. Then again, I don't drink wine. I do know that dryer lint in great for starting fires. I could send you some. ;)

  13. Never heard of that wine cork use; but then don't use wine, so I wouldn't know, but that would be a good fire starter! Glad to see the melt's to a continued thaw and no late spring suprises!!!

  14. Wow 34 degreees. Awesome that spring is on the way. We dried out here for a bit than the snow storms have begun all over again.

  15. I am so late getting to your site this time that I think everyone has said everything I'm thinking. Happy Spring! Soon!

  16. 10 more days and counting! I'm glad you can get to your car now :)!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!