Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can You Understand Why I am MORTIFIED by the Double Rainbow Guy?

Imagine how embarrassing it might be to play this video in your office, thinking you have the volume turned way, way, down. . . but NO-O-O-O, apparently the secretary in practically ALGERIA can hear it!

And on an equally blissful note, here's a few photos from a wedding this past weekend. My daughter, Dianna, and her good friend, Jess, were there:

Yum! What a great idea! Custom M&Ms for the wedding! I want a reason to create some custom M&Ms!!!!


  1. Yes I "can" understand why your mortified by the double rainbow guy! OMG!! At first I laughed and thought it was great that he loved it so much.. but then he cried like that and it was to much! "What does it mean?"... Ahhhhh

  2. I must live under a rock because I have not seen that video before, LOL. Your DD and her friend are such pretty girls!

  3. I had to come back and leave this link for you.. to funny :)..

  4. Dianna, as always, looks beautiful!

    I had looked into personalized M&M's for David's graduation in the two school colors. But David preferred giving away the pens . . . Oh, well . . . maybe next graduation . . .

  5. I had never seen this video before either but can certainly understand why you would feel mortified--lol ! The guy is sure into rainbows! I can see the M&M pic but not the others. I have no idea what is up with this.

  6. That is too funny - glad I had my earphones to hear this at the office!! LOL! And how cute is your daughter and those m&ms!

  7. Boy, um, I hope Double Rainbow Guy was on some really good drugs, or else he might need some lessons in self-control. In his defense, though, it was a very cool rainbow, er, double rainbow.

  8. Dianna looks so pretty in that photo!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!