Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hoyas Gone Wild!

Remember the plant that I told you about? The one that crept into my office, across the ceiling, under stealth of night (and day)?

It's bloomed, and this is what I see now when I look up above my head at work!

It's just one of life's little reminders that it really, really, does have a sense of humor!


  1. Oh my gosh, these are fabulous! I LOVE the furry little blossoms; your detail is wonderful! I remember mine as being white and waxy, so it must've been a different variety. Does it smell heavenly? Mine did. By the way--how are you and Doug doing? Thought about Miss B today and her book reviews, which led me to ask...

  2. Wow. This is amazing! So beautiful and unusual . . . and unsettling with its blooming over your head . . .

  3. Wow, those aree just incredible! I can only imagine what it's like to work under that all day!

  4. Fantastic photos. I bet it smells heavenly in there!

  5. WOW! That is amazing and incredible beautiful. Great job on the close-up shot too.

  6. Beautiful shots of a gorgeous flower. I can't imagine how disconcerting it might feel to have that growing over your head. What happens when the blooms fade? Do they drop off all over your desk?? LOL

  7. Wow - gorgeous!! Would love to see those beautiful flowers at my desk!!

  8. The flowers are really, really beautiful!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!