Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sunflower Topaz Adjust

Nicki suggested my sunflower photo might lend itself to Topaz Adjust, and this is something I've thought about trying for awhile. I finally downloaded the 30-day free trial, and played with it a little with this photo. This particular adjustment is "dramatic". I tried the HDR adjustment, and thought I liked my own version better, but I don't know how to work with all the sliders in the program yet. I also liked the "ghostly" version, but it definitely results in a creepy, Stephen-King-like vampire sunflower field! The painting adjustments were also fun to play with.

Thanks, Nicki! I think I'm going to enjoy playing around with Topaz Adjust!


  1. hehe! There's no turning back now. Neat Neat Neat!

  2. I love Topaz on this shot! Very cool!

  3. Boy, I am amazed at the difference in the sky!

  4. Topaz totally works for this shot! Gotta get it!

  5. I need to go dig up your version. I like this one but would love to see it al-natural to!

  6. I looked at both shots and have decided that they both look a little creepy to me, the latest one more so . . . Love sunflower seeds, but the fields . . . not so much . . .


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!