. . . and the woman behind me threw all caution to the wind, and tackled me, throwing me to the floor, and begging me, "Don't do it! You're too young to die!"
Or something like that. . . .
Actually, more like this: She told me that she'd just read that baby carrots are really not sweet, little, innocent, healthy carrots, but these "babies" are really nasty deformed carrots, rescued from the garbage heap, and disquised as cutie to lure you to your death. They're soaked in chlorine, and if you leave them in the refrigerator for a few days, they'll develop a "white bloom" on them as the chlorine surfaces, unmasking their dastardly plot to send you to an early grave.
Needless to say, I left them in the store and fled for my life!
Well, at home, I have a few left in the refrigerator, dragged them out to photograph for you to warn my cherished blog reader friends, and then decided to check out the details with snopes.com.
Well. . . . . . .
. . . . like many things on the internet, the Lurking Dangerous is not always to0 factual.
Go ahead and eat your baby carrots! It turns out that they are now carrots that have been specially bred to contain more sugar, and are cut down to make them little. They ARE soaked in chlorine, and then rinsed, but this is apparently a pretty standard antimicrobial processing of food. The "white bloom" is just the result of the additional cut surface. Snopes states that if you bring a carrot in from the yard, cut it so that it has more cut surfaces and put it in the refrigerator, you'll get the same outcome.
Hmmmmm. . . . . so these baby carrots are looking more "treat" than "trick" to me now, and I say, go ahead and eat them! Here's the snopes link if you're interested.
By the way, I'm so happy that I now have internet again and can post again! I was going through blogging withdrawal there for a few days!