Wednesday, November 3, 2010

North Dakota Measusure 2: Does this make YOU want to live here?

SUBTITLE I Too like to Shoot Zebras

In North Dakota, people can petition to have a measure on the ballot, like this measure, Measure 2, which came before the citizens for a vote. It failed.

Fee killing of certain captive game animals prohibited – Penalty – Exception. A person is guilty of a class A
misdemeanor if the person obtains fees or other remuneration from another person for the killing or attempted killing of privately-owned
big game species or exotic mammals confined in or released from any man-made enclosure designed to prevent escape. This section
does not apply to the actions of a government employee or agent to control an animal population, to prevent or control diseases, or when
government action is otherwise required or authorized by law.


Like everything else in politics, there are at least two sides to any story. One side to this story is that government should not tell people what to do with their land. They also argue that this hunting is really no different than any other type of raising livestock for slaughter.

The other side is, do you really think it's ok to allow the fencing of animals,"canned hunting," including exotic animals, to provide a shooting experience to people with money who want to be hunters and shoot them.

And the bill failed to pass, which means that, just as in the last 12 years in North Dakota, this is a legal industry. Over the last 12 years, there has not, to my knowledge, been a practice of shooting exotic animals such as giraffes and zebras, although it is legal to do so. Other animals are shot in this canned hunting, however, in case you want to bypass Disney World this year and, do this instead.

So does this sound like a desirable state for you to live in?


  1. That is just wrong on so many levels. Bad a$$ weather and the right by law to kill caged animals - not something I could imagine they would proudly put on the "Welcome" sign on the interstate.

    Our current Governor, [who, by the way, just successfully won the election to Robert Byrd's vacant seat in the Senate], had the state signs on the borders changed to "Open for Business" - just sickened everyone. After a year of that, they went back to "Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia". Politicians ! ! !

  2. Some laws make no sense, but on the flip side you have some fantastic pictures!

  3. The pix are awesome, the laws not so much.

  4. Wow, I had NO idea. The photos are beautiful.

  5. What the CRAP?! That just floors me, I can't even comprehend it... :(

  6. I can't even imagine someone shooting a zebra or giraffe or monkey or whatever the heck they want to shoot! (Of course, with a Nikon or Canon it's OK...but you know what I mean!) That zebra photo just made me gasp. Love the contrast there. I can't wait to visit a "real" zoo in February...San Diego baby!! These just got me more excited. :)

  7. Canned hunting is for people trying to overcompensate for their 'shortcomings'... I'm just saying. I didn't know it was legal anywhere in the US. I do love your 'shots' though! The first is just too sweet, and I'm a sucker for a zebra. So the last drew me in :)

  8. I want to say what are they thinking, but I lived in, guns, pickup trucks...excuse me while I roll my eyes. Evidently IQ and a sense of what is Right is not a requirement for voters.

    LOVE that zebra shot! I'd "shoot" him, too.

  9. I've never gotten into the "kill and stuff animals" thing. Ugh... But I do love your photos. There's something regal about giraffes.

  10. Did you ever see the movie "My cousin Vinny?" There's a scene in which Vinny tells his girlfriend (Marisa Tomei) that he's going to go hunting with the district attorney, and she is so incensed about the whole thing and begins describing what it must be like to be a little innocent dear going about its business before, bang!, he gets it right between the eyes. This situation reminded me of that scene. I don't get it. I don't understand hunting anyway, but I find this law particularly despicable.

  11. Beautiful photos - some laws suck...

  12. Can't imagine anyone wanting to hunt caged animals. But like others said, your pictures are great! Especially love the zebra shot!

  13. Oh my gosh, that first one is so cute!! The laws, not so cute.

  14. These animals photographed beautifully!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!