Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's Christmas! Cuddle with Your Moose!

It's winter; it's cold; it's the holidays: it's the best time of year to cuddle with your favorite moose!


  1. Curious what the background story was to the purchase of this particular ornament. Cute one!

  2. Well. . . .ok, you twisted my arm! When my son, Brian, was in pre-school, he cut his finger. His teacher fixed it up for him, and asked him if he wanted it kissed. He looked shocked, backed away, and much to her (good-natured) surprise, said, "I'd rather kiss a moose!" We have no idea why he said this, and it cracked all of us up enough that we've teased him about it, and bought him a moose ornament to kiss.

  3. That is one cute and sweet ornament! Love the story that goes with it!

  4. Love the story behind this one!!!! The things kids say! LOL!

  5. awww they're so cute cuddling! And omg how cute that your son said that - now I love the moose even more!

  6. Only in ND - kissing a moose that is. I agree with Suzy - I love the ornament even more now given the story.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!