Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry Christmas, Book Club Buddies!

I am so very fond of Christmas! Of course, over-the-top happiness occurs when all three of my kiddos get to come home.

But I also like decorating, and the baking, so I really enjoy when I get to have my book club come to my house for the monthly meeting. Last night, I got to try out my Caramel Pots de Creme on my group club members. True, I screwed up the recipe, managing to somehow put all the whip cream inside the recipe, rather than a third of it elegantly on top. But it still tasted wonderful! And next time I'm going to take on an idea presented of including a little kahlua in the "pots".

Note that I'm not even mentioning the book we read. . . because, really, are book clubs really about the books?

I think not.


  1. Your decorations put me in the Christmas spirit... and your dessert was wonderful. Thanks for having us over - we had a GREAT time!!!

  2. Boy, kiddo! You must have been working like a maniac to get all your remodeling clutter put away AND have the house fully decorated so early in the month AND host a monthly book club event AND even manage to make Pots de Creme! I'm tired just thinking about it all! Now I feel so inadequate! I'm going to have to try out your pots de creme recipe, the liqueur sounds like a nice touch!

  3. Would love to be in a book club!! So cool! And your table is gorgeous!

  4. What Maria said - where ya hiding the elf-help with cleaning up the mess/ err, boxes. Holiday decorations and special treats - what book could ever champion that? Nicely done!

  5. Ha, Ha! That's what my DH says when I head out to my Book Club meeting. Beautiful decorations! I bet you talked about the book a little, right?

  6. The table looks very pretty! It's a lot of work but what fun!

  7. Oh my gosh those do look good!!! Creme brulee and that carmely type of stuff is just about the only dessert that I would ever think to have that isn't chocolate.


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!