Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh, no! I Caved!

After months of telling my husband that we didn't need smart phones, he bought one. And I scoffed at it, and his Talking Tom . . . . rapture.

Wellllllllll, then my Palm Pilot died--my trusty, little, brain-of-the-household, with its lock-box like storage of all things essential to running our lives. . . like addresses and immunizations and Christmas lists.

And the Droid X looked very appealing after all.

OK, I admit it; it was the Nook android reader update that allows the synchronization between the Nook and the phone that got me. Which means I get to leave both the Nook AND the palm pilot out of my purse. . . leaving more room for my camera!

But then I discovered the Gallery for storing photos (38 of Bonnie alone!), and the Live Christmas Tree Wallpaper, and the Digital Chef (imports recipes from AND reads them out loud to you, advancing to the next step with a hand clap or "Yo!"), and Pandora and DoubleTwist and fmRadio; and weather apps to track road conditions, and the ability to set individual songs as the ringtones to people in my contact list (when Doug calls me, I hear The Beatles, "Oh, Darling!" )

And a Thanksgiving planner, a Christmas gift list, news feeds, a google reader app, and handDBase (which let's me use templates to create my own databases to my heart's content).

But no talking tom :)


  1. haha you sound like me, now I have an iphone an ipad and talking tom!!!! Eek! (found you on POTD two peas) xxxx

  2. Welcome to the dark side of smart phones - you'll cave for talking Tom as well - just give it time. For sure, you must get Angry Birds - ya just have to!

  3. IF (and that's a big if) IF I ever get a smart phone, it would be an Android, because it has a better camera....isn't that a sick reason? Love the Nook accessibility, too--I am considering switching from Kindle to Nook so I can use the library. By the way, your kitchen is going to be fabulous! Hope it's ready for Christmas.

  4. OMG Doug what have you created???!! It’s ALIVE!

  5. I actually do want one of those things. I just don't want one enough to pay however many kajillion dollars a month it would be. And oh no Pat - that sounds like a good reason to me! In fact, if I had a good enough phone camera, I wouldn't need to always have my point & shoot in my purse!


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!