Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tolerating the Parents

Tolerating the parents is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!

Wish I could get the remote/focus working a little better, though. . .


  1. Love the photos. Thanks for making me smile!!

  2. Those boys! hehe! Happy family regardless of the closed eyes.

  3. Sweet picture! You look great, Angela!

  4. You have a beautiful family!! Great shots!

  5. How fun to see your family! Love these shots--you all look so happy. Your ornament shots are really neat, too.

    To answer your question about the hot chocolate/Nutella design, they put on the whipped cream and smooth it down. Then, use chocolate syrup and draw a spiral from the center out. Take a knife and draw it through the syrup from center to edge, all around the cup. Be careful not to go in too deeply and get to the liquid beneath.

  6. Ooops---from the look of the design on the cup, they went from the outside IN.

  7. Your focus is great. I can't focus mine at all. They are always blurry. I can't figure it out. LOL


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!