Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is Minus 31 Degrees Really Necessary? AND the snow????

We are on the 6th day in a row of getting snow, and it's becoming quite tiresome! But not nearly as tiresome as the minus 31 degrees with windchill last night. Grand Forks has even't stopped putting its salty brine mixture on the road to help to melt the ice. . . . because it's freezing into a slick glaze and making things even worse.

It's only January, and we have much, much more of winter to go. Well, at least it's not New York. . . .

My morning task is to brush all this stuff off my car. Strangely, I have to be particularly careful to get it off the roof and hood. If I don't, no matter how much I've let the car run to warm it up, approximately 2 1/2 minutes after I start driving, the snow from the roof, which falls on the hood, and the snow on the hood is sucked into my car through it's intake system, as moisture, and freezes solid on the inside of all my car windows. It's rather disturbing, especially when 2 1/2 minutes takes me from my parking lot to the center of the bridge, and I can't see a thing! I literally scrape away a little peep hole on the inside of my car with an old plastic card/hotel door key.

I was really happy when, after many years, I finally figured out that clearing the snow from the roof and hood would solve this problem.

And just a little view outside my office window:

By the way,the book in my post yesterday is not a blurb book, but a blog2print or sharedbook. It was extremely easy to make, and before Christmas they were running some specials (which I suspect is a very frequent thing.) I sent them a "support" question, and rapidly got an answer that the photos could be sRGB (they prefer RGB) and that the 72 dpi resolution would be fine. So using the photos that were uploaded to the blog works well. It sucks up the dates of the blog you specify, so it's really easy to create a book with very little effort. I really didn't want to spend much time on this, especially before Christmas, and just get a little sampling of posts from the summer. I didn't want to be perfectionistic about it, and since it wasn't very expensive, I was willing to be quite casual about it. So I just rapidly put it together, let Doug give it to me for Christmas, and now I'm really, really glad I did it! I'll appreciate it a lot in the future, when the technology of blogs may be long-gone, as just a little memento of this fun chapter in our lives. I really did approach this as "perfection is the enemy of the good" so it wouldn't become a huge time-consuming project. I'm thinking of doing another book of just my "cranky woman" posts (see label on left in side-bar), although why I would want this is kind of a mystery to me. I guess I just value my quirky side ( I mean, I WOULD value my quirky side, if I had one.)


  1. I solved that problem by moving to Texas. :-)

    I've always wanted to do one of those blog books, but I always shrink my photos really small before I post them. When I looked at an example small picture in my folder just now to see what the dpi was, the only thing I found was under properties it said horizontal was 180 dpi and vertical was also 180 dpi. Is that enough? Is that even the number I'm looking for?

    I also can't remember if I use sRGB or RGB. But it hardly matters, since most of my blog pictures are from my point & shoot.

  2. The MINUS 31 / correction, the MINUS anything degrees would have me packing my bags. Oh my brrrrr! I sounds like my husband's southern side of the family - people who no longer can handle our level of cold - which rarely goes below 0.

    I'm going to have to check out the blog book because last year's effort took just that, too much effort. Loved my book, but not the time it took.

    Oh, and I shamefully resort to frozen broccoli - the one we found along the road during a walk was fresh. I'm thinking someone threw it out for the deer. ??? who knows!

  3. No, it is absolutely NOT necessary! Yuk!

    Now that I've had the blog for a couple of years I'm beginning to toy with the idea of slurping it into some sort of book . . . just toying with the idea mind you, I think I have to convince the perfectionist in me to take it more casually . . . it's going to take a lot of convincing . . . :-)

  4. I am so sorry. I am cold just looking at your photos and thinking of the bone-numbing windchill. We've had over 3 1/2" of rain in the last 2 days, and the rivers are flooding. But, it's warm(ish) (in the 40s) and we don't have to shovel. More infor on the blog2print, please. I've wanted to do one of those, but didn't want to dig up all the original photos that weren't 72dpi. Glad to hear the the photo quality came through ok.

  5. It's cold here today too- brrrr! And we're supposed to get more snow - brrrr!

  6. I am sorry you have to deal with all of that but your pictures look really nice.

  7. Beautiful pics. I must travel more than 3 hours to see the snow...

    Thanks for these awesome images!!!

  8. very good !! goodbye


--Wonderful! I was hoping you'd comment!